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The Best SEO Agency Services and Tips to Grow Your Business

Google Business Profile Optimization Plan

The best SEO agency services

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential step in improving a website’s SEO. By researching and analyzing keywords related to a business and its services or products, it is possible to target the most relevant terms for a website and use them in a strategic manner in website content. This will enable the website to show up higher on SERPs, as Google processes 63,000 keyword searches every second and an astounding 2 trillion global searches yearly. Additionally, keyword research helps to identify the search volume, competitiveness, and CPC of the most relevant terms, which will help to decide which keywords to target with content. Furthermore, ongoing keyword research helps to build momentum and boost the performance of SEO campaigns. Ultimately, through strategic keyword research and analysis, SEO professionals are able to determine the keywords that the target audience uses to find websites similar to yours, maximizing website traffic and performance in search results.

Emediacy creates high-quality, relevant content for content marketing and SEO purposes. By understanding the interrelationship between SEO and content marketing, we can create content that is both relevant and optimised for search engine algorithms. Great content makes it easier to generate leads, boost brand awareness, and gain conversions. Working with Emedacy to create content is a great way to ensure high-quality content that is both engaging and optimised for search engine algorithms.

2. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is the practice of optimizing all of the individual pages on a website for search engine visibility. It involves optimizing the page content, structure, and other features to ensure that the page appears as high up in the search engine rankings as possible. An SEO agency offers services such as keyword optimization, meta tags, image and multimedia optimization, external and internal link optimization, conversion rate optimization, article and video placement, social media integration, and more. All of these strategies are designed to help improve the visibility of the website while enhancing the user experience. Ultimately, the goal of on-page optimization is to increase site exposure and encourage customers to browse the website for longer periods of time.

3. Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization is a type of SEO that focuses on improving a website’s search engine performance through activities outside the site itself. It includes activities such as link building, Google Business optimization, and app store optimization, to name a few. Link building, in particular, is the process of gaining recognition through backlinks from relevant websites and helps to build a site’s domain authority and credibility in the eyes of the search engine.

The best SEO agencies offer a variety of services to help improve on-page SEO, such as keyword optimization, user experience audit, title tag and meta description optimization, image and multimedia optimization, anchor tag optimization, 404 page identification, article and video placement, social media connections, and blogging. They also provide off-page SEO services such as submission to online directories, social bookmarking, and management of Google My Business to increase exposure. Additionally, technical SEO services such as an up-to-date XML sitemap and eliminating page load times and HTTP errors are offered for improved search results. Finally, local SEO services such as optimizing a Google Business profile listing can help your business rank higher than competitors in the local market.


4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an integral part of any marketing campaign, as it helps promote a brand and create visibility. It involves creating original content such as blogs, videos, infographics, press releases, and memes that not only target relevant keywords and locales, but also provide useful information to potential customers. Hiring an SEO agency for content marketing is beneficial, as they will have the expertise necessary to create content that is both SEO-optimized and engaging. SEO agencies will also be able to help create content calendars, conduct keyword research to determine the best keywords to target, and build content that other websites will want to link to. Furthermore, SEO agencies are also able to develop outreach strategies to help promote a brand and get people talking about it. In this way, SEO agencies can help generate organic traffic and increase a brand’s visibility.

5. Social Media Marketing

The best SEO agency offers a variety of social media marketing services, including SEO, content marketing, social media advertising, video production, influencer marketing, and more. Additionally, they are skilled at utilizing channels such as Tik Tok, Snapchat, Quora, Reddit and other social sites to amplify your message, reach more potential customers, and increase overall online presence. Furthermore, they will help you create and maintain effective strategies, identify your brand voice, and manage your social media profiles.

6. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) agencies offer a variety of services in order to help businesses improve their online presence and drive traffic to their website. These services include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), paid search, lead generation, conversion rate optimization, keyword research, off page SEO marketing, on page SEO marketing, page speed optimization, website SEO audit, and website indexing solutions. By utilizing these services, businesses can increase their visibility in search engine results and attract more potential customers. Additionally, SEO is a cost-effective way to market a business compared to traditional advertising methods, providing long-term benefits and improving their bottom line.

7. Site Audit

A site audit is an in-depth evaluation of a website’s performance and ranking, conducted by an SEO agency. The audit is designed to uncover deeper issues that may be hindering the website’s ranking and provide strategic implementation to change the business for the client. The audit checklist covers a wide range of items, from on-page, off-page and server issues to mobile optimization and competitive analysis.

The audit process typically takes 10 weeks, and at the end of this period, the agency provides the client with a comprehensive report that details any issues, offers guidance on how to fix them, and provides a prioritized task list. Following the report delivery, the agency works with the client’s team to mentor and consult on the implementation of the recommendations. After the changes have been made, the agency verifies that they have been done according to the audit’s findings.

By conducting a site audit, an SEO agency can help a website move from one point to another. The agency tests the website using website analytics or an audit to find out the current statistics of the website, and discovers what the website needs to improve and what should be removed. It also examines the business’s competitors and attempts to get the website to the point that it would look as good (or better) than the competitors’.

8. Client Education

What type of client education services does an SEO agency offer? an SEO agency can offer a variety of client education services, such as providing a contract with deliverables, reviewing customer reviews, speaking with customer references, creating and marketing content, optimizing website page speed, crafting custom SEO pricing and strategies, providing SEO strategy tailored to the business’s specific needs, website auditing and reports, and providing wise counsel and practitioners on all-things-digital.

9. Analytics & Reports

What type of analytics and reports does an SEO agency offer? An SEO agency offers detailed analysis of organic revenue and other eCommerce-focused KPIs, interactive monthly SEO reports that highlight statistics, tasks completed, and upcoming tasks planned, monitoring of SEO progress, trends and growth, in-depth insight into inbound key traffic sources and benchmark search traffic, and tracking of goals, revenue generated, keyword rankings, traffic sources, and traffic volume, as well as Basecamp for real-time document sharing and communication.

10. SEO Roadmap Creation

Creating an SEO roadmap helps businesses to identify their target audience, understand their competitors and develop a strategic plan tailored to their long and short-term goals. With a step-by-step plan that outlines the strategies to be used and the expected result, an SEO agency can provide services such as keyword analysis, keyword assignment, on-site code optimization, on-site content optimization, on-site internal link optimization, advanced SEO and external linking, conversion rate optimization, SEO keyword research, off-page SEO marketing, on-page SEO marketing, page speed optimization, website SEO audit, website indexing and more. By having a clear goal and strategy, the SEO agency can be more efficient in their efforts and optimize the website for organic and qualified website traffic, resulting in a higher ROI for the business.


Tips on how to get the most out of your SEO agency relationship

1. Understand the services offered by the agency

Your SEO agency should provide a variety of services, including auditing your existing website for SEO effectiveness, conducting keyword searches, developing an SEO plan to outrank your competition, writing SEO copy for your site, content development services such as blog writing, video content development, and website copywriting, and custom pricing and lists of deliverables. Additionally, they should provide customer references and be willing to work as an extension of your in-house marketing team. Finally, they should be able to provide reviews, case studies, and a portfolio of the businesses they have helped.

2. Research the agency’s past results

Researching an agency’s past results can help you get the most out of your SEO agency relationship by giving you insight into their capabilities and successes. It can reveal the types of clients they have worked with in the past and the results they have achieved, enabling you to decide if they are the right fit for your business. Additionally, it can help you to assess their customer service quality, as you can look for reviews written by actual customers. Finally, reviewing the agency’s portfolio can also provide you with evidence of their work and what they can potentially do for you.

3. Set goals with the agency

Step 1: Before you start working with an SEO agency, it’s important to set goals for what you want to achieve. Identify what you want to accomplish, such as ranking higher for target keywords, generating more traffic, or driving sales.

Step 2: Once you’ve established your goals, share all relevant data with the SEO agency. This will help them create a custom strategy specifically tailored to helping you reach your goals.

Step 3: During the discovery call, ask the agency how long it will take to produce results, how often they will report on them, and what their payment structure is (hourly, flat-fee, or per objectives reached).

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with the agency’s proposed plan, create a contract that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both parties.

Step 5: Make sure the relevant teams within your company are all on the same page and understand why you are hiring an SEO agency and how it will benefit your business.

Step 6: Prior to starting work with the SEO agency, review the contract and ensure it does not bind or hurt your company in the future.

Step 7: Monitor the agency’s progress and check in with them regularly to ensure they are meeting your expectations.

4. Establish a working relationship with the agency

Step1: Before you work with an SEO agency, get relevant teams in your company on the same page. Let them know why your company needs to hire SEO professionals and how working with them will impact your business. Also, select those who’ll work directly with the agency to drive the results you seek. Doing this ensures that there’s always someone to keep the SEO agency in sync with your company culture, goals, expectations, and timeline.

Step 2: After your discovery call and follow-up conversations, expect to receive a contract with deliverables from an SEO agency if working with you looks like a good fit. Share the contract with relevant members on your team, especially those working directly with the agency. Ensure to go over the nitty-gritty of the contract’s terms and conditions. Also, share it with your legal department to avoid signing an agreement that hurts or binds your company in the future.

Step 3: Before start a partnership, ask the experts how long it will take to produce results, how often they will report on them and how the constantly-changing data will influence their strategy throughout the project. In addition, determine how these results will affect their payment structure. Are you paying hourly, flat-fee, or per objectives reached? Once this is solidified, create a contract that keeps both parties motivated and accountable.

Step 4: Look for the best web design agencies and determine what you can expect in terms of service quality. Search online for reviews written by actual customers. If you’re working with a local business, check out customer reviews on their Google Business Profile page.

Step 5: To kickstart a working relationship with your company, SEO agencies usually take you through a detailed onboarding process, so you should expect one. Over this onboarding session, the scope of your project, delivery timelines, communication channels, and an understanding of how both parties manage your project is defined and communicated.

Step 6: After the onboarding process, the SEO agency will likely request access to some of your digital assets. Depending on your work scope, such access could include your website or blog passwords, your analytics tools login codes, selected in-house staff, etc.

Step 7: Set goals when working with an SEO agency. Goals could be to rank higher for target keywords, generate more traffic, drive sales, or all three. Remember, no business case and needs are precisely the same; SEO strategies that worked for one company may not work for yours.

Step 8: Do research on any potential SEO agencies before signing a contract, especially if they have no portfolio or customer testimonials. No portfolio or customer testimonials might not mean that the agency isn’t good at its job. However, it should raise a few red flags when researching potential SEO agencies. If you’re not sure about an agency, and it doesn’t have any testimonials, do some more research, look online for reviews, and ask for examples of their work.

5. Ask for references

Asking for references from an SEO agency can help you get the most out of your relationship with them by allowing you to verify their reputation and customer service quality. Reading reviews written by actual customers online, as well as asking people in your professional network who have worked with the agency, can provide valuable insight into the provider’s quality of service. Additionally, speaking directly to an active customer of the agency can give you a better understanding of what to expect from the agency. Doing this research prior to signing a contract can help ensure you are working with a reliable and trustworthy SEO provider.

6. Review the agency’s pricing structure

Step 1: Review the SEO agency’s reviews and case studies. This is a great way to get a feel for the agency’s capabilities and what kind of results you can expect if you work with them.

Step 2: Read the SEO plan’s deliverables. This will help you determine exactly what services the agency will be providing, and what results you can expect from them.

Step 3: Request custom pricing if needed, along with a list of deliverables. This will help you get an accurate cost estimate for the services you need.

Step 4: Check for any fine print. Some agencies may charge additional fees or have restrictions or stipulations that you want to be aware of before signing a contract.

Step 5: Ask the experts how long it will take to produce results, how often they will report on them and how the constantly-changing data will influence their strategy throughout the project.

Step 6: Determine the payment structure. Depending on the agency you’re working with, you may have the option to pay hourly, flat-fee, or per objectives reached.

Step 7: Review the agency’s portfolio and customer testimonials. If the agency doesn’t have any reviews or testimonials, it’s best to do more research and look for other options.

Step 8: Read the contract carefully. Make sure to go over the terms and conditions and share it with your legal department before signing. This will help you avoid any potential issues down the line.


7. Investing in the right tools

When looking for the right SEO agency partner, it’s important to ask which tools they use and why they are beneficial. A good agency should have access to high-end software like ScoreTask and multiple analytics tools to track website movement. They should also be able to provide detailed progress reports every month to track ROI. Additionally, they should use a variety of SEO tools to help clients get the most out of their relationship, such as Broken URL reports, organic traffic tracker, backlink analysis, keyword ranking, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, and more. By using these tools, SEO agencies can give clients actionable insights on how to adjust their website content to achieve optimal search visibility, as well as helping them to understand their search competition, uncover untapped opportunities and track performance trends over time.

8. Make sure the agency is using white hat strategies

Step 1: When interviewing potential SEO agencies, ensure that they are not engaged in any black hat tactics like keyword stuffing or link farms. These tactics can lead to long-term negative impacts on your online presence.

Step 2: Vet your prospective partners to make sure they are only employing white hat SEO tactics. White hat SEO follows search engine best practices and will not risk a Google penalty or block.

Step 3: Ask your potential agency which tools they use and how they plan to analyze your competitors. This will help you to determine if they have the necessary resources to optimize your website.

Step 4: Check for competitive conflicts. If the agency is working with multiple clients in the same market who are targeting the same content, this could put you at a disadvantage.

Step 5: Make sure that the agency has the expertise and processes to deliver on its promises. Check their website, do a simple Google search, and ensure that they are showing up on the first page of Google for relevant keywords.

9. Track your progress regularly

Step 1: Utilize high-end software such as ScoreTask to track progress in-house.

Step 2: Use multiple analytics tools to monitor website movement.

Step 3: Use Basecamp for real-time document sharing and communication.

Step 4: Receive frequent reports on metrics to see the impact on the bottom line.

Step 5: View interactive monthly SEO reports to track tasks completed, statistics, and upcoming tasks planned.

Step 6: Keep track of keyword rankings and tailor the SEO plan accordingly.

Step 7: Monitor progress to ensure results do not diminish and the website continues to rank higher.

Step 8: Stay up to date with the latest algorithms to keep getting traffic and ensure your website stays visible.

Step 9: Avoid black-hat techniques such as keyword stuffing and link farms that can lead to your website being penalized by search engines.

10. Give feedback regularly

An SEO agency should provide feedback on a regular basis to ensure that the results do not diminish and that the website continues to rank higher. This frequency should be established in the contract, such as hourly, flat-fee, or per objectives reached. Additionally, customers should be able to receive monthly reports from the SEO team detailing the services provided, the tasks accomplished, and which OuterBox team members were involved. Additionally, customer reviews and feedback from professional networks can help to assess an agency’s reputation.